Wednesday 23 November 2011

Malaysian Jigsaw

I began with the original sketch as the first layer. I then created a few layers on top to draw the design again in photoshop. I wanted to use many layers, as I would have more control over each specific part. Moreover, with more layers there would be less chances of losing a large chunk of my work.

Once I was done with my outlines, I hid my original layer to see the final outline. I then created more layers to begin adding colors. 

Unity can be expressed in many ways and one of those ways is through color. I decided to use different shades of blue. As I was doing research I had learned that the blue on the Malaysian flag symbolizes the unification of the Malaysian people. I played around with the different shades to create interesting looks.

Too choose my shades I used the color picker. It allowed me to choose colors that were closely related, therefore keeping a similar tone throughout the piece. I worked on a windows laptop to do my designs and when I had transfered them to my mac the colors were a lot different than I expected. For this piece, the Malaysian Jigsaw turned out more purple. Instead of re-doing the whole color scheme, I simply added a new adjustment layer. 

Layer > Adjustment layer > Hue/Saturation

From there I was able to pick a color that I was satisfied with. 

Lines and Color > Unity and Emphasis
The bold outlines within the jigsaw and the jigsaw itself creates emphasis. The color demonstrates unity. Surrealistic in the sense that the textiles have specific meanings > representation of the three Malaysian cultures.

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